A device-independent protocol for XOR oblivious transfer

Srijita Kundu1, Jamie Sikora2, and Ernest Y.-Z. Tan1

1Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
2Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA

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Oblivious transfer is a cryptographic primitive where Alice has two bits and Bob wishes to learn some function of them. Ideally, Alice should not learn Bob's desired function choice and Bob should not learn any more than what is logically implied by the function value. While decent quantum protocols for this task are known, many become completely insecure if an adversary were to control the quantum devices used in the implementation of the protocol. In this work we give a fully device-independent quantum protocol for XOR oblivious transfer.

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[2] Srijita Kundu and Ernest Y.-Z. Tan, "Composably secure device-independent encryption with certified deletion", Quantum 7, 1047 (2023).

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[5] Manuel B. Santos, Paulo Mateus, and Armando N. Pinto, "Quantum Oblivious Transfer: A Short Review", Entropy 24 7, 945 (2022).

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[7] Mathieu Bozzio, Adrien Cavaillès, Eleni Diamanti, Adrian Kent, and Damián Pitalúa-García, "Multiphoton and Side-Channel Attacks in Mistrustful Quantum Cryptography", PRX Quantum 2 3, 030338 (2021).

[8] Ernest Y. -Z. Tan, "Prospects for device-independent quantum key distribution", arXiv:2111.11769, (2021).

[9] Ramij Rahaman, "Asymptotically secure All-or-nothing Quantum Oblivious Transfer", arXiv:2111.08484, (2021).

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