Project Title:
PROtotypesof Magnetic Imaging Systemsfor Europe
Quantum sensing and metrology for market uptake
€ 4 794 255.00 EU Contribution
PROMISE is a consortium that focuses on the application of Nitrogen Vacancy (NV) in diamond quantum technology for imaging. The aim is to guide the development and use of this mature and promising quantum technology, which is known for its ease of operation. PROMISE leads the NV based quantum imaging sensors to the next level of development building widefield magnetometer prototypes to measure relevant samples into operational environments (TRL7) to foster its market uptake.
The PROMISE widefield NV magnetometer excels in imaging compared to other technologies by generating magnetic field maps without scanning. This results in a faster acquisition time (orders of magnitude faster than scanning protocols), a wide field of view and increased sensitivity. This speed up in the acquisition is the key to open up its use in a wide range of new applications.
The consortium is committed to leveraging the developed NV-based prototypes for a consolidated market uptake by involving relevant partners along the whole value-chain. A unified, compact, affordable and low-consumption benchtop prototype will be designed and developed without impacting performance and functionalities. Machine learning software is being developed to streamline both data acquisition and data analysis, to facilitate for non-quantum expert use of the device and paving the way to automate inspection process. PROMISE also includes expertise that will contribute to standardising designs and methods required for the industry.
During the project, four use cases will validate the prototypes, impacting the semiconductor industry, material science, aerospace and biotechnology. The industry, in general, will benefit from a tool that will enable improvements in their devices, materials and production processes, as well as provide a deeper understanding of mechanisms at the atomic level. It will also monitor events and dynamics to enable more accurate predictions and address pressing challenges in various domains.
Starting date: January 1st, 2025
Duration: 44 months
AMIRES is responsible for project management support and communication, dissemination & exploitation activities.
Project Partners:
- Fundacion Tecnalia Research & Innovation, Spain
- Nederlandse organisatie voor toegepast natuurwetenschappelijk onderzoek, Netherlands
- Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, Italy
- Diatope GmbH, Germany
- Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
- Universidad Del Pais Vasco/ Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Spain
- Graphenea Semiconductor SLU, Spain
- Magnetfab, France
- Airbus Defense & Space GmbH, Germany
- AMIRES, The Business Innovation Management Institute Zu, Czech Republic
Xavier Vidal
Project Coordinator
Fundacion Tecnalia Research & Innovation
EU Disclaimer:
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe – The EU research & innovation programme under the Grant Agreement number 101189611.