NEWS & Research


Announcements from YITP


Today's seminars

No seminars today.


Workshops and other activities

2024/05/20 --- 2024/05/24
Bootstrap, Localization and Holography
2024/05/29 --- 2024/05/31
Frontiers in Emergent Quantum Phenomena: Superconducting Junctions, Edges, and Anyons
2024/06/03 --- 2024/06/14
International Molecule-type Workshop "Recent Developments and Challenges in Topological Phases"
2024/06/05 --- 2024/06/07              Shinichiro Akiyama
Lecture series: Tensor renormalization group approach to lattice field theories
2024/06/17 --- 2024/06/28
International Molecule-type Workshop"Advances in Fluctuating Hydrodynamics: Bridging the Micro and Macro Scales"
2024/07/01 --- 2024/07/05
Yukawa International Seminar 2024 (YKIS2024) "Dynamics Days Asia Pacific 13"
2024/07/01 --- 2024/08/02
YITP long-term workshop "Frontiers in Non-equilibrium Physics 2024"
2024/07/23 --- 2024/07/26
The 54th Summer School on Astronomy and Astrophysics
2024/08/02 --- 2024/08/06
The 69th Condensed Matter Physics Summer School
2024/08/05 --- 2024/08/09
Strings and Fields 2024
2024/08/19 --- 2024/08/23
Progress in Particles Physics 2024
2024/08/19 --- 2024/08/23
The 63rd summer school in molecular science
2024/08/21 --- 2024/08/25
The 70th YONUPA Summer School
2024/08/26 --- 2024/08/29
The 64th Summer School of Young Researchers Society for Biophysics
2024/09/05 --- 2024/09/06
Frontiers in physics of friction: beyond Amontons-Coulomb law
2024/09/09 --- 2024/09/11
Thermal Quantum Field Theory and Their Applications
2024/09/24 --- 2024/09/27
Recent developments in Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality
2024/09/30 --- 2024/10/04
Generalized symmetries in QFT 2024
2024/10/07 --- 2024/10/11
Compact stars in the QCD phase diagram
2024/10/14 --- 2024/11/15
YITP long-term workshop "Hadrons and Hadron Interactions in QCD 2024"
2024/10/21 --- 2024/10/25
COSMO 2024
2024/12/10 --- 2024/12/12
International conference "String Data 2024"
2024/12/18 --- 2024/12/20
New trends in the study of superconductors
2025/01/27 --- 2025/01/31
Gravity 2025: New Horizon of Black Hole Physics


YITP Programs
