Hi, we are

AQuantum Physics   seminar

Online talks on recent breakthroughs in quantum physics for a broad audience — by researchers, for researchers. Our mission is to bridge gaps and foster ideas exchange, with a novel format that pairs two complementary voices: PIs with young researchers and/or theoretical with experimental physicists. Want to discover exciting research venues or join the team? Subscribe below!

<div class="img-hero-container"><img src="https://qmeets.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/full-alt-logo-black.png"  class="img-hero-logo"></div>
  • Every month
  • Community-driven


When and where

We usually meet at 14:00 – 15:15 CET (check talks) over Zoom (join the mailing list for the link). We have two talks of 20 + 10mins each, followed by 15mins of general discussion. We record every session and upload it to our public YouTube channel.

Bridging gaps
A deeper understanding requires several perspectives – the big picture and the details and/or theory and experiment. Sharing knowledge outside our own echo chamber is key for collective growth. qmeets talks cover various topics aimed at connecting quantum communities. We always invite a duo of scientists from a collaboration.
  • PI + YI: A principal investigator provides an overview in the first talk, upon which a young investigator presents the latest results in the second talk.

  • Theory + Experiment: A theoretical and an experimental physicist share their views on a recent discovery.
We categorize qmeets talks in five fields:
  • Quantum Information & Computation (QI)
  • Condensed Matter (CM)
  • Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics (AMO)
  • Quantum Fields & High Energy Physics (HEP)
  • Quantum Gravity (QG)
Community first
Quantum physicists run qmeets, and everyone can participate. You can suggest speakers or topics, volunteer to chair a session or join the team to grow our community.
Respect is warranted – no question is dumb. True enrichment comes from the plurality of voices only if they receive a safe space to speak and qmeets always guarantees such an environment. We will not tolerate any form of discrimination. We particularly encourage all minorities in academia to participate and apply for a talk.


Mauro D'Achille
Invitations, Press & YouTube
Fascinated by the (quantum) world, particularly quantum information and simulation.
Mauro D'Achille
PhD student @ QIQS, Jena
Tobi Haas
Invitations, Hosting & Website
Curious about quantum information, fields, gravity & ultracold atoms.
Tobi Haas
PostDoc @ QuIC, Bruxelles
Daniele Iannotti
Invitations & Social Media
Interested in quantum information, mathematical physics and quantum gravity.
Daniele Iannotti
PhD student @ QSQI, Napoli


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