The Second International Workshop on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Quantum Programming (QP 2024) will provide a platform for researchers and practitioners interested in the Art, Science, and Engineering of Quantum Programming and its relation with classical programming to discuss research challenges, possible solutions, and future research directions. Such discussion could build the road map for quantum programming.
The workshop is intended for researchers, including students, at any stage of their careers. Moreover, practitioners are also a relevant audience for the workshop.
QP2024 will feature two types of events. First, we will have a session on presenting papers accepted in the workshop. The rest of the workshop will be focused on a dedicated discussion of the workshop topics in a similar fashion as Dagstuhl or Shonan to draft a roadmap on the topic of the workshop. The workshop organizers will send invitations to the researchers working in this area. However, the workshop is open to anyone who is interested. Please consult the workshop chairs if you are interested in joining the workshop.