Since the start of the quantum race Microsoft has placed its bets on the elusive but potentially game-changing topological qubit. Now the company claims its hail Mary has paid off, saying it could build a […]
Since the start of the quantum race Microsoft has placed its bets on the elusive but potentially game-changing topological qubit. Now the company claims its hail Mary has paid off, saying it could build a […]
Quantum computers may soon tackle problems that stump today’s powerful supercomputers—even when riddled with errors. Computation and accuracy go hand in hand. But a new collaboration between IBM and UC Berkeley showed that perfection isn’t […]
A weird and wonderful array of technologies are competing to become the standard-bearer for quantum computing. The latest contender wants to encode quantum information in sound waves. One thing all quantum computers have in common […]
Finding ways to integrate electronics into living tissue could be crucial for everything from brain implants to new medical technologies. A new approach has shown that it’s possible to 3D print circuits into living worms. […]
If computer chips make the modern world go around, then Nvidia and TSMC are flywheels keeping it spinning. It’s worth paying attention when the former says they’ve made a chipmaking breakthrough, and the latter confirms […]
Empowered by artificial intelligence technologies, computers today can engage in convincing conversations with people, compose songs, paint paintings, play chess and go, and diagnose diseases, to name just a few examples of their technological prowess. […]
The human brain is a master of computation. It’s no wonder that from brain-inspired algorithms to neuromorphic chips, scientists are borrowing the brain’s playbook to give machines a boost. Yet the results—in both software and […]
We speak at a rate of roughly 160 words every minute. That speed is incredibly difficult to achieve for speech brain implants. Decades in the making, speech implants use tiny electrode arrays inserted into the […]
Google is one of the biggest companies on Earth. Google’s search engine is the front door to the internet. And according to recent reports, Google is scrambling. Late last year, OpenAI, an artificial intelligence company […]
Cryptocurrencies have had a calamitous year, littered with hacks, bankruptcies, and precipitously declining prices. What went wrong—and are there any bright spots to look forward to in 2023? Crypto markets hit all-time highs in November […]
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