This week, IBM announced a pair of shiny new quantum computers. The company’s Condor processor is the first quantum chip of its kind with over 1,000 qubits, a feat that would have made big headlines […]
This week, IBM announced a pair of shiny new quantum computers. The company’s Condor processor is the first quantum chip of its kind with over 1,000 qubits, a feat that would have made big headlines […]
Quantum advantage is the milestone the field of quantum computing is fervently working toward, when a quantum computer can solve problems that are beyond the reach of the most powerful non-quantum, or classical, computers. Quantum […]
As a weapon of war, destroying cultural heritage sites is a common method by armed invaders to deprive a community of their distinct identity. It was no surprise then, in February of 2022, as Russian […]
The scale of quantum computers is growing quickly. In 2022, IBM took the top spot with its 433-qubit Osprey chip. Yesterday, Atom Computing announced they’ve one-upped IBM with a 1,180-qubit neutral atom quantum computer. The […]
The brain is an exceptionally powerful computing machine. Scientists have long tried to recreate its inner workings in mechanical minds. A team from IBM may have cracked the code with NorthPole, a fully digital chip […]
In June, an IBM computing executive claimed quantum computers were entering the “utility” phase, in which high-tech experimental devices become useful. In September, Australia’s chief scientist Cathy Foley went so far as to declare “the […]
One of the most well-established and disruptive uses for a future quantum computer is the ability to crack encryption. A new algorithm could significantly lower the barrier to achieving this. Despite all the hype around […]
One of the biggest stumbling blocks for quantum computers is their tendency to be error-prone and the massive computational overhead required to clean up their mistakes. IBM has now made a breakthrough by dramatically reducing […]
ChatGPT, DALL-E, Stable Diffusion, and other generative AIs have taken the world by storm. They create fabulous poetry and images. They’re seeping into every nook of our world, from marketing to writing legal briefs and […]
If you’ve ever wished you had a faster phone, computer, or internet connection, you’ve encountered the personal experience of hitting a limit of technology. But there might be help on the way. Over the past […]
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