A new and much faster quantum cryptography protocol has been developed: Usually, quantum cryptography is done with photons that can be in two different states. Using eight different states, cryptographic keys can be generated much […]
A new and much faster quantum cryptography protocol has been developed: Usually, quantum cryptography is done with photons that can be in two different states. Using eight different states, cryptographic keys can be generated much […]
An intrinsic magnetic topological insulator MnBi2Te4 has been discovered with a large band gap, making it a promising material platform for fabricating ultra-low-energy electronics and observing exotic quantum phenomena. Click to rate this post! [Total: […]
Researchers have new insight about the formation of vortices in a type of quantum fluid, work that could help our comprehension of the physics mystery of how vortex clusters form and provide valuable understanding into […]
Light has no mass, but Europe’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) can convert light’s energy into massive particles. Physicists studied matter-generating collisions of light and showed the departure angle of their debris is subtly distorted by […]
Researchers have succeeded in developing an all-nitride superconducting qubit using epitaxial growth on a silicon substrate that does not use aluminum as the conductive material. This qubit uses niobium nitride (NbN) with a superconducting transition […]
A team of researchers has developed a theory to explain how hydrodynamic electron flow could occur in 3D materials and observed it for the first time using a new imaging technique. Click to rate this […]
Scientists have generated circularly polarized light and controlled its direction without using clunky magnets or very low temperatures. The findings show promise for the development of materials and device methods that can be used in […]
Scientists have observed that when the shape of a thin film of metal oxide known as titania is confined at the mesoscale, its conductivity increases. This finding demonstrates that nanoscale confinement is a way to […]
A new method designs nanomaterials with less than 10-nanometer precision. It could pave the way for faster, more energy-efficient electronics. Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]You have already voted for this article
Researchers have made a tiny camera, held together with ‘molecular glue’ that allows them to observe chemical reactions in real time. Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]You have already voted for this […]
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