Imagine the possibility of sending messages that are completely impervious to even the most powerful computers. This is the incredible promise of quantum communication, which harnesses the unique properties of light particles known as photons. […]
Imagine the possibility of sending messages that are completely impervious to even the most powerful computers. This is the incredible promise of quantum communication, which harnesses the unique properties of light particles known as photons. […]
Neutrinos are the “ghost particles” in the Standard Model of Particle Physics. This is because they interact weakly with ordinary matter. An interesting property of neutrinos is that they can change their identities or “flavors” […]
Why does the universe contain matter and (virtually) no antimatter? The BASE international research collaboration at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, headed by Professor Dr. Stefan Ulmer from Heinrich Heine University […]
Quantum technology is quantifiable in qubits, which are the most basic unit of data in quantum computers. The operation of qubits is affected by the quantum coherence time required to maintain a quantum wave state. […]
When two black holes collide, space and time shake and energy spreads out like ripples in a pond. These gravitational waves, predicted by Einstein in 1916, were observed for the first time by the Laser […]
Dark energy remains among the greatest puzzles in our understanding of the cosmos. In the standard model of cosmology called the Lambda-CDM, it is accounted for by adding a cosmological constant term in Einstein’s field […]
Scientists cannot observe dark matter directly, so to “see” it, they look for signals that it has interacted with other matter by creating a visible photon. However, signals from dark matter are incredibly weak. If […]
A team led by researchers from the California NanoSystems Institute at UCLA has designed a unique material based on a conventional superconductor—that is, a substance that enables electrons to travel through it with zero resistance […]
The year 2025 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of quantum mechanics. In the century since the field’s inception, scientists and engineers have used quantum mechanics to create technologies such as lasers, MRI scanners […]
Researchers at the International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, University of Massachusetts, and Instituto de Física Teórica at Universidade Estadual Paulista in Brazil recently introduced an alternative approach to derive the correct physical beta […]
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