Prog-QAOA: Framework for resource-efficient quantum optimization through classical programs
Quantum 9, 1663 (2025).
Current state-of-the-art quantum optimization algorithms require representing the original problem as a binary optimization problem, which is then converted into an equivalent cost Hamiltonian suitable for the quantum device. Implementing each term of the cost Hamiltonian separately often results in high redundancy, significantly increasing the resources required. Instead, we propose to design classical programs for computing the objective function and certifying the constraints, and later compile them to quantum circuits, eliminating the reliance on the binary optimization problem representation. This results in a new variant of the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA), which we name the Program-based QAOA (Prog-QAOA). We exploit this idea for optimization tasks like the Travelling Salesman Problem and Max-$K$-Cut and obtain circuits that are near-optimal with respect to all relevant cost measures, e.g., number of qubits, gates, and circuit depth. While we demonstrate the power of Prog-QAOA only for a particular set of paradigmatic problems, our approach is conveniently applicable to generic optimization problems.