Understanding the quantum universe is not an easy thing. Intuitive notions of space and time break down in the tiny realm of subatomic physics, allowing for behavior that seems, to our macro sensibilities, downright weird. […]
Understanding the quantum universe is not an easy thing. Intuitive notions of space and time break down in the tiny realm of subatomic physics, allowing for behavior that seems, to our macro sensibilities, downright weird. […]
Quantum 7, 1111 (2023). https://doi.org/10.22331/q-2023-09-14-1111 Challenging combinatorial optimization problems are ubiquitous in science and engineering. Several quantum methods for optimization have recently been developed, in different settings including both exact and approximate solvers. Addressing this […]
Insider Brief Voima Ventures is a Helsinki and Stockholm-based early-stage investor investing in science-based startups. The team is launching a science challenge for pre-seed and seed stage science-based startups in the Nordic and Baltic regions. […]
Insider Brief Strangeworks and Quantagonia will partner on providing complex optimization solutions for clients. Strangeworks provides cloud access to the largest catalog of quantum computing and quantum-inspired solvers. Quantagonia’s HybridSolver is an enterprise-grade mathematical solver […]
Riverlane’s Quantum Error Decode Chip. Credit: Riverlane We’ve talked in these pages about technology that is used at what we call the “Mid-Stack”. This includes the control electronics to control the qubits and the software […]
D-Wave has announced some early results from a test chip it has developed to characterize the fluxonium superconducting qubits it plans on using. D-Wave has taken a different path from some of the other superconducting […]
D-Wave Quantum Systems Inc. is a Canadian firm specializing in quantum computing. Headquartered in Burnaby, British Columbia, it earned the distinction of being the pioneering company in the sale of computers that harness quantum phenomena […]
Quantum computers can solve certain computational problems much faster than ordinary computers by using specific quantum properties. The basic building blocks of such machines are called quantum-bits or qubits. Qubits can be realized using several […]
Almost a century ago, physicists Satyendra Nath Bose and Albert Einstein predicted a theoretical state of matter in which individual particles would, at extremely cold temperatures and low densities, condense into an indistinguishable whole. These […]
Insider Brief Riverlane announced it developed a dedicated decoder chop and published its decoder IP. The decoder chip is a critical element of this stack and the first of its kind to be fabricated. The […]
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