The quantum space is barely a space, compared to other more mature deeptech areas, it’s more of a niche. But several quantum technology companies are already proving that they have the potential for commercialization necessary […]
The quantum space is barely a space, compared to other more mature deeptech areas, it’s more of a niche. But several quantum technology companies are already proving that they have the potential for commercialization necessary […]
Quantum 5, 403 (2021). We study the query complexity of quantum learning problems in which the oracles form a group $G$ of unitary matrices. In the simplest case, one wishes to identify the oracle, […]
Quantum 5, 402 (2021). An $noverset{p}{mapsto}m$ random access code (RAC) is an encoding of $n$ bits into $m$ bits such that any initial bit can be recovered with probability at least $p$, while in […]
A German cryptographic researcher, Dr. Claus Peter Schnoor, has published a paper on the website of The International Association for Cryptologic Research that describes a new classical method of factoring large integers based upon a […]
Several software announcements have been made in the past few days. These include Google’s release of version 0.10.0 of Cirq, Cambridge Quantum Computing’s (CQC) release of version 0.8 of their tket software development kit, and […]
Image by sgrunden from Pixabay Never Down & Out Although the burgeoning industry of quantum computing (QC) and other areas of quantum information science are mainly concentrated in North America, Europe and Asia, the sector is gaining […]
The four year project, named QLSI, will be coordinated by CEI-Leti with 18 additional organizations and will leverage previous research performed by some of the consortium members. It is part of the European Union’s Quantum Flagship program, […]
In Google’s original paper, they noted that their Sycamore processor completed this task in 200 seconds and estimated it would take 10,000 years on the Summit supercomputer. IBM later provided a paper analysis indicating that […]
Available immediately, postdoc position in experimental atomic physics exploring aspects of quantum control in ultra-cold neutral atom systems. We have active experiments in quantum sensing with atom interferometers, and multi-atom entanglement using interactions between ultra-cold […]
One of the recommendations in a recent report from the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence urges the U.S. to transition from basic research to national security applications of quantum computing and incentivize domestic fabrication. […]
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