The ability to turn on and off a physical process with just one photon is a fundamental building block for quantum photonic technologies. Realizing this in a chip-scale architecture is important for scalability. Researchers have […]
The ability to turn on and off a physical process with just one photon is a fundamental building block for quantum photonic technologies. Realizing this in a chip-scale architecture is important for scalability. Researchers have […]
Scientists mapped the electronic states in an exotic superconductor. The maps point to the composition range necessary for topological superconductivity, a state that could enable more robust quantum computing. Click to rate this post! [Total: […]
Quantum technology may look like it’s a sudden revolution. However, quantum technology has been a – relatively — gradual, but still a disruptive evolution, according to Carl Williams, deputy director of the National Institute of […]
Researchers have big ideas for the potential of quantum technology, from unhackable networks to earthquake sensors. But all these things depend on a major technological feat: being able to build and control systems of quantum […]
A hundred years ago, the Japanese scientist Y. Shirai published a mysterious finding: When Shirai transplanted tumor tissue into a mouse’s body, the tissue was destroyed by its immune system. But when tumors were grafted […]
Achieving the immense promise of quantum computing requires new developments at every level, including the computing hardware itself. A Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)-led international team of researchers has discovered a way to use […]
Quantum computing technologies are still in the early phases of development, but organizations are already using them in real-world applications from designing drugs to optimizing inventory systems to reducing carbon emissions. As other nations rapidly […]
Symmetry principles of classical physics that help keep our solar system stable have an intriguing counterpart in the quantum world, according to new research by a team of physicists from Australia, Italy and Japan. Click […]
Quantum 5, 447 (2021). Quantum data locking is a quantum phenomenon that allows us to encrypt a long message with a small secret key with information-theoretic security. This is in sharp contrast with classical […]
Quantum 5, 446 (2021). We consider the estimation of a Hamiltonian parameter of a set of highly photosensitive samples, which are damaged after a few photons $N_{rm abs}$ are absorbed, for a total time […]
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