A team of researchers at the University of California at Berkeley, working with a group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, has developed a non-invasive way to image Wigner crystals directly. In their paper published in […]
A team of researchers at the University of California at Berkeley, working with a group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, has developed a non-invasive way to image Wigner crystals directly. In their paper published in […]
The color in a diamond comes from a defect, or “vacancy,” where there is a missing carbon atom in the crystal lattice. Vacancies have long been of interest to electronics researchers because they can be […]
With a directive to look for physics beyond the standard model and study the behavior of the universe’s most elusive particles, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory’s Short-Baseline Neutrino Program has a […]
Quantum electrodynamics (QED) is the fundamental quantum theory governing the behavior of charged particles and light in vacuum. The strength of the interactions in QED is quantified by the fine structure constant α, which in […]
Researchers from Skoltech and the University of Southampton, U.K., have used all-optical methods to create an artificial lattice whose nodes house polaritons—quasiparticles that are half-light and half-matter excitations in semiconductors. This so-called Lieb lattice, which […]
Quantum key distribution (QKD) is a method used for secure or secret key exchanges between two remote users. Using secure communication, cyberscientists ultimately aim to establish a global quantum network. Existing field tests suggest that […]
For several decades, physicists have known that light can be described simultaneously as a wave and a particle. This fascinating ‘duality’ of light is due to the classical and quantum nature of electromagnetic excitations, the […]
A team led by the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory has found a rare quantum material in which electrons move in coordinated ways, essentially “dancing.” Straining the material creates an electronic band structure […]
Quantum gases consisting of atoms are extremely suitable for observing quantum mechanical phenomena and making new types of quantum matter. In his Ph.D. research Mestrom was able to quantify the effects of three-particle collisions in […]
Based on the strontium optical lattice clock platform, a research team led by Prof. Chang Hong from the National Time Service Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, together with Zhang Xuefeng from Chongqing University […]
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