The duty of stating the obvious
1. Trump’s proposal for the US to “take over” Gaza and expel its inhabitants is, like nearly everything else Trump has said and done over the past two weeks and indeed the past decade, completely batshit insane.
2. As with countless other Trump proposals, I don’t see that it will actually happen — both because most Gazans will refuse to leave, and because Arab countries will refuse to take them.
3. I wonder whether all the anti-Israel activists in the US who withheld their vote (or even switched to Trump) to punish Biden and Harris for their support of Israel, are now happy with what they’ve gotten.
4. The solution has always been for some government to develop Gaza for the benefit of its inhabitants, rather than as a terror-base for attacking Israel. Hamas and UNRWA have shown that they’ll never do that. But the postwar administration of Germany and Japan demonstrates what’s possible in one generation if the will exists.
5. I wish the anti-Israel people would join me in demanding that. They ought to reflect that, if their only counteroffer is “Israel gets eradicated and its Jews return to the countries that murdered or expelled their families,” then they’re demanding something even more fantastical than Trump’s proposal.